Books on printmaking and related subjects
Livres sur les arts graphiques
Boeken over grafische technieken
4. lithography, offset
4. lithographie, offset
4. lithografie, offset, steendruk
- A. B. "Lithography and Lithographer" , Burlington
Magazine, Vol.30, 1917, pp. 115-117.
- ANTREASIAN (Garo Z.), CLINTON (Adams) The
Tamarind Book of Lithography. Art and Techniques. New York:
Abrams, 1970. ISBN 8109-9017-2 collection Polymetaal.
- ARNOLD (Grant.) Creative Lithography and How to Do
It. New York: Harper, 1941.
- AUDSLEY (George A.) The Art of
Chromolithography. London: Low, Marston, and Rivington,
- BARGILLIAT (Alain) Offset Litho. Paris: Institut
National des Industries et arts Graphiques, 1965.
- BARGILLIAT (Alain) La Conduite des Presses
Offset. Paris: INIAG.
- BARGILLIAT (Alain) Photo Litho. Paris. INIAG,
- BARGILLIAT (Alain) Impression Offset. Paris:
INIAG, 1976.
- BARKER (Albert W.) "Lithographic Notes", Prints.
Vol.7, N°3, Feb., 1937, pp. 139-142.
- BAUDIE (Louis) Le Livret du Lithographe. Paris:
Eyrolles, 1927.
- BERSIER (J.A.) La lithographie originale en
France Paris 1943.
- BERRI (D.C.) The Art of Lithography. London:
- BOUCHOT (H.) La Lithographie. Paris: Librairies
et Imprimeries réunies, 1895.
- BRAQUEMOND (Félix) Etude sur la Gravure sur
Bois et la Lithographie. Paris: Beraldi, 1897.
- BREGEAUT (L.) Manuel Complet Théorique et
Pratique du Dessinateur et de l'Imprimeur Lithographe. Paris:
Roret, 1927; Léonce Laget, 1980.
- BROQUELET (A.) Manuel Conplet de l'Impression
Lithographique. Paris: 1925.
DE L'IMPRIMEUR LITHOGRAPHE. Librairie Garnier Frèrer
+/- 1930. collection Polymetaal.
- BROWN (Bolton) Lithography. New York:
Carrington, 1923.
- BROWN (Bolton) Lithography for Artists. Chicago:
U. of Chicago Press, 1929. collection Polymetaal.
- BROWNE (Warren C.) Practical Text Book of
lithography.... New York: National Lithographer, 1912.
- CAHIERRE (Loic) L'Offset. Paris: Cie
Française d'Editions. 1965.
- CHELET (R.) Manuel de Lithogrie. Paris:
Baillière, 1933.
- COURMONT La Rotocalcographie ou Offset.
- CLIFFE (Henry) Lithography; A Complete Handbook....
New York: Watson-Cuptill, 1965.
- CLIFFE (Henry) Lithography London, 1965.
- COPLEY (John) "Some Thoughts on Lithography",
Artwork. Vol.1, 1925, pp.247-252.
- CUMMING (David) A Handbook of Lithography, 3d
ed. London: Black, 1948. collection Polymetaal
- CURTIS (Atherton) Some Masters of Lithography.
New York: Appleton, 1897.
- DEHN (Adolf A.) ,LAWRENCE BARRETT. How to Draw and
Print Lithograph. New York: American Artists Group, 1950.
- DODIN (L.) Manuel Dictionnaire du Petit Offset.
Montpellier: 1968.
- DOROTTE (Xavier) La Lithographie Dessain et
Tolra 1984.
- DUMONCHEL (Albert) La Lithographie.
Montréal: Formart, 1972.
- DUSSLER (Luitpold) Die Inkunabeln der deutschen
Lithographie. Berlin: Tiedmann, 1925.
DIE LITHOGRAPHIE. Eggen Facgbuchreihe. 1959. collection
- ENGELMANN (G.) Manuel du Dessinateur
Lithographe. Mulhouse: 1822.
- ENGELMANN (G.) Das Gesammtgebiet der
Lithographie. 2d ed. tr. from Traité
Théorique et Pratique de Lithographie. Leipzig: Binder,
- ENGELMANN (G.) Traité théorique et
pratique de la lithographie. Mulhouse, 1840.
- FARRAR (Joan) "The Embossed Lithographs of Angelo
Savelli" , Artist's Proof. Vol.5, N°2, 1965,
- FISHER (R.E.) Transferring and Proofing. London:
Pitman, 1961.
- FRAIPONT (G.) Lithographie. Paris: Laurens.
- FRIEDLÄNDER (M.J.) Die Lithographie Berlin
- FRITZ (G.) Handbuch der Lithographie. Halle
- FUCHS(Siegfried E.) Die Lithographie Ein
technischer Leitfaden für Künstler und Sammler. Verlag
Aurel Bongers Recklinghausen. 1979 ISBN 3-7647-0321-0 collection
- GAILLOT L'Aquatinte Lithographique. Paris:
Senefelder, 1824.
- GANSO (Emil.) "The Technique of Lithograph Printing"
, Parnassus, Nov. 1940, pp. 16-21.
- GIRARD (Jean) Manuel Pratique du Reporteur
Lithographe. Paris.
- GOULDING (Frederick) "Lithographs and Their Printing"
,Studio. Vol.6, 1895, pp. 86-101.
- GRAFF (Walter) Die Einführung der Lithographie
in Frankreich. Heidelberg: Karl Rössler, 1906.
- GRIFFITS (Thomas E.) "The Herkomer Technique and
Applications", The Penrose Annual. XIV 1951, pp. 77-78.
- GRIFFITS (Thomas E.) The Rudiments of
Lithography. London; Faber, 1956.
- GRIFFITS (Thomas E.) The Technique of Colour
Printing by Lithography. London: Faber, 1948.
- GUTMAN (WaIter) "American Lithography", Creative Art.
Vol.5, 1929, pp. 800-804.
- HARRAP (Charles) Offset Printing from Stone and
Plates. Leicester: Raithby, Lawrence, 1927.
- HARTRICK (Archibald S.) Lithography is a Fine
Art. London: Oxford, 1932.
- HARTSUCH (Paul J.,Ph.D) Chemistry of Lithography,
Lithographic Technical Foundation Inc. 1960 Library of
Congress 60-13797 collection Polymetaal.
- HULLMANDEL (Charles) The Art of Drawing On
Stone. London: 1824.
- HUNTLEY (Victoria H.) "On Making a Lithograph",
American Artist, May 1960, pp.30-35.
- HUVEY (Louis) La Lithographie d'Art. Paris:
Floury, 1904.
- JACKSON (FE.) "Lithography", The Imprint. Vol.1,
1913, pp.18, 125, 171, 319.
- JONES (Stanley) Lithography for Artists. London:
Oxford, 1967.
- JONKMAN> (Wim) Vlakdrukvarianten LOGA
Landelijk Overleg Grafische Ateliers Nederland. collection
- KISTLER (Aline) "Western Lithographers", Prints.
May 1935, pp. 16-25.
- KISTLER (Lynton R.) How to Make a Lithograph.
Los Angeles: 1950.
- KNECHT (E.) Nouveau Manuel Complet du Dessinateur et
de l'Imprimeur Lithographe. Paris, Roret, 1850.
- KNIGIN (M.) ZIMILES (M.) The Technic of Fine Art
Lithography New York 1970.
- KRUCK (Ch.) Technik und Druck der
künstlerischen Lithographie Frankfurt am Main, 1962
- KRÜGER (O.) Die lithografischen Verfahren und
der Offsetdruck, Leipzig 1949.
- LA DELL (Edwin) "Autolithography at the Royal
Colleqe of Art" , The Penrose Annual. Vol.46, 1952,
- LEMERCIER (Alfred) La Lithographie Française
de 1796 à 1896. Paris: Lorilleux, 1896.
- LIEURE (J.) La Lithographie Artistique et ses
diverses Techniques. Paris: Papyrus, 1939.
- LORILLEUX (Charles) Traité de
Lithographie. Paris: 1889.
- LOCHE ( R.) La Lithographie. Genève:
Bonvent, 1971.
- LOCHE ( R.) Lithography. Genève:
Bonvent, 1971. collection Polymetaal.
- MAN (Félix) Years of Artists'
Lithographs. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966.
- MARTHOLD (Jules de - ) Histoire de la
Lithographie. Paris: Société Française
d'Editions d'Art, n.d.
- MAUROU (Paul) Traité Complet de l'Art
Lithographique, Paris: Garnier, 1907.
- MAYER (R.) Die Lithographie Dresden 1955.
- McCAUSLAND (Elisabeth) "Lithographs to the Fore",
Prints, Oct., 1936, pp. 16-30.
- MELLERIO (A.) La lithographie originale en
couleurs Paris, 1898
- MELLERIO (A.) La lithographie artistique et ses
diverses techniques, Paris 1898.
- MILLER (George C.) "Craft of Lithography ", American
Artist. Sept., 1943, pp.21 -23.
Lithographie. Bruxelles, 1920.
- MELLERIO (A .) La Lithographie originale en
Couleurs. Paris, 1898.
- MONCH (Erich) "Techniques with Berlin Transfer
Paper", Artist's Proof. Vol.6, 1966, pp. 50-53.
- MONROCQ (L.) Manuel Pratique de Lithographie sur le
Zinc. Paris: Bernard, 1891.
- MOULIJN (Simon) De eerste jaren der
lithografische prentkunst in Nederland. 's-Gravenhage,
Martinus Nijhoff, 1927
- MOULIJN (Simon) De lithografische prentkunst.
Amsterdam. Maatschappij voor goede en goedkope lectuur, 1918.
- MUNIER (A.) Traité de Lithographie.
Reims: Chez l'Auteur, 1899.
- OZZOLA (Leandro) Rassegna d'arte antica e moderna:
La Litografia italiana. Rome: Alfieri, 1923.
- PENNEL (Joseph) "Lithography " , The Print
Collector's Quarterly. Vol.2, p.459.
- PENNEL (Joseph) "The Truth ahout Lithography",
Studio. Vol.16, 1899, pp.38 - 44.
- PENNEL (Joseph) , ROBINS (Elisabeth)
Lithography and Lithographers. New York: Macmillan,
- PETHE0 (Bela) "Polymer-Coated Lithographic Transfer
Paper", Artist's Proof. Vol.8, 1968, p.lOO.
- RAMBOUSEK (J.) Lithografie a ofset Prague
- RAUCOURT Mémoire sur les expériences
Lithographiques. Toulon: Aurel, 1819.
- REED (Robert) Offset Lithographic Platemaking.
Pittsburgh: Graphic Arts Technical Foundation, 1967.
- REED (Robert) What the Lithographer Should Know
about Paper. New York: Lithographic Technical Foundation,
- REED (Robert) What the Lithographer Should know
about ink. Pittsburgh: Graphic Arts Technical Foundation,
1966. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 60-14303 collection
- RHODES (Henry J.) The Art of Lithography.
London: Scott, Greenwood, 1924.
- RICHMOND (W.D.) The Grammar of Lithography.
London: Wyman, 1886.
2001, collection Polymetaal.
- ROTHENSTEIN (Will ) "Some Remarks on Artistic
Lithography ", Studio. Vol.3, 1894, pp.16 - 20.
- SANSOM (W.B.) Lithography: Principles and
Practices. London: Pitman, 1960.
- SEDDON (R.) "Producing a Colour Lithograph ",
Artist. March, 1944, pp. 22-24.
- SENEFELDER (Aloys) L'Art de la Lithographie.
Paris: 1819; De Nobele et Legueltel, 1974.
- SENEFELDER (Aloys) A Complete Course of
Lithography. Tr. A.S. London: Ackerman, 1819; rept. New York:
Da Capo, 1968. ISBN 0-306-80053-5. collection Polymetaal.
LI>SENEFELDER (Aloys) Vollständiges Lehrbuch der
SteinDruckerey, Munich 1818
- SENEFELDER (Aloys) The Invention of Lithography.
Tr. J.W. Muller, New York: Fuchs and Lang Mfg. Co., 1911.
- SENEFELDER (Aloys) Het wezen van den Steendruk,
naar het "Lehrbuch der Lithographie und des Steindruckes", 1929
Amsterdamse Grafische School. collection Polymetaal.
& Draftsmen, New York, The Pencil Points Press Inc. 1931,
collection Polymetaal.
- SEYMOUR (Alfred) Practical lithography. London:
Scott, 1903.
- SOUSA (Jorge de) La Lithographie, precis
technique Editions Technorama 1990.
- SYKES (Maltby) "The Multimetal Lithographic
Process", Artist's Proof. Vol.8, 1968, pp. 97-99.
- TORY (Bruce E. ) Photolithography. Sydney:
Associated General Publications, 1953.
- TOUSSAINT (Manuel) La Litografia en Mexico en el
siglo XIX. Mexico: Estudios Neolitho, 1934.
- TRIVICK (Henry) Autolithography. London, Faber,
1960. collection Polymetaal.
- TROMPETTER (H.) Chromolithografie en
Fotolithografie Amsterdamse Grafische School, 1939, collection
- TUDOT (E.) Description de tous les moyens de
dessiner sur pierre. Paris: 1833.
- VALETTE A. Manuel pratique de Lithographie.
Paris: Goty, 1903.
- VERENIGING Het kopiëren I Negatief-kopie
eiwitmethode, vlakdrukmontage zwart-wit. 1964 Vereniging tot
bevordering van de vakopleiding in het lithografisch
LITHOGRAFISCH BEDRIJF. Kopiëren II, Vlakdrukmontage,
Positiefkopie, kopieermachines, proefdrukkerij. 1969. collection
LITHOGRAFISCH BEDRIJF. Het lithografische vak.
Geschiedenis en overzicht. 1961. collection Polymetaal.
- VICARY (R.) Manual of Lithography, Charles
Scribner's Sons, New York, 1976 Thames and Hudson, ISBN
0-684-14748-3 collection Polymetaal.
- VILLEMAIRE Traité de
- VILLON (A.M.) Nouveau Manuel Complet du Dessinateur
et de l'Imprimeur Lithographe. Paris: Roret, 1891;
Léonce Laget, 1980.
- WEAVER (Peter) The Technique of Lithography. New
York: Reinhold, London Batsford Ltd. 1964. collection
- WEBER (Wilhelm) A History of Lithography. New
York: McGraw-hill, 1966.
- WEBER (Wilhelm) Histoire de la Lithographie.
Paris, 1967.
- WEDDIGE (Emil) Lithoqraphy. Scranton
International Textbook, 1966.
- WEHRLIN (Robert) "Reflections on Original
Lithography" , Graphis. Vol.4, N°22, 1948. pp. 168-171,
- WEITENKAMPF (Frank) "Lithography for the Artist",
Scribner's Magazine. Vol.60, 1916, pp. 643-646.
- WEITENKAMPF (Frank) "Lithography for the Artist",
American Magazine of Art. July, 1918, pp. 352-355.
- WEITENKAMPF (Frank) "The Making of a Lithograph
" New york Library Bulletin, May, 1918, pp.291-293.
- WENGENROTH (Stow) Making a Lithograph. New York:
Studio, 1936.
- WENNIGER (Mary-Ann) Lithography, A complete
Guide Prentice-Hall N.J. 1983, ISBN 0-13-537514-2 collection
- WESTHAVER (Kenneth H.) "Experiments in
Autolithography with Paper Masters " , Artist's Proof. Vol.7,
1967, p.84.
- WOODS (Gerald) The Craft of Etching and
Lithography. London: Blandford, 1965.
- ZEIDLER (Jürgen) Lithographie und
Steindruck in Gewerbe und Kunst, Technik und Geschichte. 1994.
ISBN 3-473-48381-8 Ravensburger Buchverlag. collection
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