Regarding your order /request;
- Your "On Line Order" is always treated by us as a non-binding request. You will automatically receive a copy of your order / request. This is therefore not our order confirmation.
- Polymetaal will send you a non-binding quote within 3 working days, or a confirmation of your final order, depending on the choice you have made. It states the payment terms and, if applicable, the transport costs.
- It is possible that there are price differences between the website and our quotation.
- CHECK THE QUOTE CAREFULLY!! The offer is binding for both parties!!
- Our quotes are valid for a maximum of 1 month
- The goods and the invoice will then be sent separately. If you have to pay in advance, we will wait the payment before shipping the goods.
- You have the right to return the goods, if unused and undamaged, within 7 days. In that case, the transport costs are for your account.
- Polymetaal is a small company with limited capacity. During busy times there may be delays. We ask for your understanding.
- We cannot "deliver the next day". The entire order processing procedure can take a few days. The orders are often very laborious given the special products we deliver and the worldwide deliveries with different carriers. Our strength is not the speed, but the expertise in the field of graphic materials and our service orientation.
- New customers are required to pay in advance.
- Of course you can also order by phone, letter or e-mail! Oral orders are risky and can lead to unpleasant misunderstandings. Therefore always ask for a confirmation by e-mail!
- Please try to avoid verbal agreements with employees of Polymetaal. This has led to unpleasant misunderstandings in the past. Therefore always ask for a confirmation by e-mail!.
- If you do not order via the webshop, please provide us with the article numbers! This makes the order processing procedure easier and faster.
- If the goods arrive visibly damaged, please let us know within seven days. If you notice damage on delivery, please inform the person who delivers the goods to you immediately.
- If goods are damaged please contact us immediately about how we handle this. You can then return the goods and request a refund. Then return the goods at your expense and we will refund you the goods and the transportation costs incurred by you. You can also request that we exchange the damaged goods. You then return the goods at your expense. After receiving the damaged goods, we will send the replacement goods and refund the transport costs incurred.
- "MISSING SHIPMENTS" This mainly relates to parcel services such as DPD and the Post. Due to various circumstances, it can happen that the "transit time" is longer than normal; transport problems, distribution problems, customs inspection, etc. etc. If a delivery is missing, we always wait at least 14 days before an official search is started. Usually the package is delivered within 14 days. For countries outside the E.U. the "waiting period" may be longer. Sometimes the package is at customs for several days for customs clearance. If the customer in question still wants it quickly, the customer will have to order and pay for the goods again. If the previously ordered goods are still delivered later, the customer may return them at his expense.
- TRANSPORT COSTS. Polymetaal always charges the actual transport costs. Most companies that work locally (Gerstäcker, van Beek, van der Linde, etc.) calculate (part of) the transport costs in the product price. Because Polymetaal delivers worldwide, we cannot do that and we always have to calculate the actual costs. Due to the fierce competition and high fuel costs, the parcel carriers do their utmost to keep the costs as low as possible, for example by outsourcing work to cheap subcontractors, who are paid per parcel and have to pay for the transport bus themselves.In addition to the transport costs, there is an additional 3 Euro in handling costs. (Packing, taking to the DPD depot, administration, etc.) Someone who picks up the goods in Leiden or Oude Wetering does not pay these costs, which is appreciated by customers who collect the goods.
Prices and discounts
- We try to keep our prices as low as possible, for everyone. We only can do that if we keep the order processing procedures as simple as possible. Lately we get regularly requests to join procurements or tenders or we are asked to deal with a lot of paperwork. Depending on the complexity of these procedures we apply surcharges. This procedure-surcharge is not comprised in our quotes unless clearly specified.
- We don't have special discounts, or discounts for specific groups of clients.
V.A.T. (Value Added Tax)
- The prices in our webshop are exclusive of VAT. If the goods ordered by you are within the E.U. (European Union), when filling in the destination, the system will add the local VAT of the destination country. Only the prices excluding VAT can be shown online because the system does not know where the customer wants the goods sent.
- If you have a valid V.A.T. number you are eligible for tax exemption, and 0% V.A.T. will apply
- During the ordering process you can enter your VAT number. Please check the validity of your VAT number before entering it. You can check your VAT-number here (VIES, European Commission)
- No Dutch VAT numbers !
- An incorrect VAT number may result in additional administrative costs for you.
- Presenting a VAT number after having received the invoice may also result in additional administrative costs for you.